Mood Boards
Misc stills and concepts I’ve had in mind for you when you’re in my hands.

Similar to the concept below it but as a full feature porn film.

More muted tones, note the blues up front. With movement and fluids it’ll be beaaaaautiful.

Contrasting heavily saturated color palettes.


I’d love to shoot us touching in slow-motion under some neon or renaissance mural projected over us.

Deep blacks (lifted 2-5%) and sharp reds.

The Watcher - Tvs and monitors in the frame showing what we are doing. Varying angles and voyeuristic, but blatantly so.

Duplicates. A concept we have both touched on over many years.

***I’d like to recreate specifically the first image, I think I can do it on video….

Just messily fucking you. *shrugs* ——— Deep blacks and neutral skin tones. Focusing on texture and fluids.

I ordered lube that looks like thick cum to use! ***
(I also ordered extremely expensive lube for your luxurious pleasure daaaarling)