10.23.21 - My breath is inside you

Home today, madly in love with you

Disposable darling
Can't throw you away now
Immortal and life size
My breath is inside you
I'll dress you up daily
And keep you till death sighs”

10.22.21 (evening) - Cora in red

It’s our ring’s anniversary
9 months.
I ran you a bath and washed your shoulders
You told me to wear red
We lit the room to match
And you fucked me in celebration.

Happy Anniversary baby, Thank you.

10.22.21 (day) - Cat Moss and the best portraits I've ever taken

You’re hurting deep today, bleeding.
We woke, immediately shared hard but valuable words.

You walked me to your bed, our bed
Practically pulled me by my hands,
Fingers outstretched..
Held me closely, cheek to supple flesh
Then we fucked, slow.
Deep in the ruined sheets.
Blood and water, which is thicker?
Which one matters more?
Both are life-giving.

Breathing deep into you. Drowning.
Smiling the whole time.

The royal Cat Moss herself.

St. Simons coffee or bust.

10.21.21 - Baaaaaah

Today was quiet like the rainy weather,
We walked, we kissed
We watched Lamb in theaters

It was wild to just.. walk in and watch a movie.
Remnants of a different time.

10.20.21 - Stop, Monet, and move on.

Tough morning talks on tired feet,
Shit coffee, then hugs next to a highway.
I love you, we talk through everything so sweetly.
Over the bridge, back into the heart of the city.

Art. So much art.
Eyes on it, eyes on you

You beautiful fucking thing.

God damn it I could kiss you for years without breathing.

10.19.21 - Finally, a bubble bath

I ran you a bath, a little too hot
I watched your hands while you smoked
Attentive, attention-getting. You got me, hook.
Your eyes give away how much you love me.

You also took my favorite picture of myself today.

10.17.21 - Soft days, soft ways.

Today was soft, last night was rough.
I’ll figure out better ways to speak because you deserve softer words.
Silk words, like your skin.

I can see how you love me, simply by how you look at me.

The night before I got to watch you roll a joint for the first time. My ring on your hand. My heart is happy.

10.16.21 - Good morning wolf

This morning, our morning,
I lay my head on you between being awake and dreaming
I could feel your love, a presence I’ve only dreamed of for years
I’m dreaming, this has to be dreaming.

10.15.21 - Bridges connect us

Today was your first time downtown,
We walked all the way, your pace is impressive
It matched my heart beat faster and faster

I fed you a burger, and we looked at bridges
If most roads lead to home, the bridges are what hold us together.

10.13.21 - Welcome home

Today you came two days early, a surprise.
I wept in my ribs, my hands shook.
We stood in the archway next to the front door of your Airbnb in awe,
it got darker and you took me to bed.
I tasted you for the first time,
I felt your heartbeat in my hand.
I loved you before you opened the door,
but as the apartment’s white portal opened and out of breath,
I loved you even more.